Wednesday 19 January 2011

"Somewhere I belong" least partially ;)

The "I-has-been-captivated-by-your-story" theme begins..

This photo was taken (OMG!) two years ago. [8 Oct 2009]

It was a sheer coincidence.. Not so long after my matura exam, I talked to my aunt and she told me: "Remember, if you want to study in Poznań, I will provide you with a cosy room." How did I react? I appreciated her offer but since I had (still have!) a poor grasp of the streets and districts of Poznań, I did not realise what a lucky devil I was. Then it turned out that it's only a 5 minute walk to our beloved KJO! I couldn't believe my eyes! 

Now I know that I love this small terraced house, my room on the first floor and things brought from my one and only house which do not fit there anymore; these things, as well as me, belong to this tiny corner of Poznań.

What can I see when I look out of my window? I see the terrace, four gardens (I don't want to risk falling out of the window so I write about four gardens only:D) and the blue building which happens to be the Pomorski hotel. However, the thing that deserves a closer look is the sky which tends to be blue and then reminds me of the symbol of DreamWorks, an American film studio. Since it is very late and strange ideas are coming to my mind, I'm leaving this place without pangs of conscience; I've managed to write this post before midnight! 

P.S. Dear Reader, are you captivated by this story? :) See you tomorrow!



  1. I'm captivated!:D and I envy you living so close to KJO! Lucky you:)and sometimes lucky me, when you invite my for a cup of tea;)

  2. I guess you must have a lot of classmates visiting your cozy room. I always liked those houses and thought they were a bit like typical English terraced houses. You ARE lucky :)
